York Down Syndrome Support Group
The following links are to resources that you might find helpful. Please feel free to share any great resources you have found by emailing us at professionalsnetwork@ydssg.org
The York Down Syndrome Support Group Education Leaflet
Down's Syndrome Association - Primary Support Pack
The primary support pack is a great resource but we appreciate such a large document is not always the easiest to review. As a group we have taken some of the key messages and created the condensed pack that can be found below:
Including Pupils With Downs Syndrome - Early Years
(Down Syndrome Association)
Developing Mathematical Understanding through the use of concrete apparatus and pictorial representations
Helen Davids, Carol McQuade - Ebor Academy Trust
Teaching Reading to children with Down Syndrome (Passcode = 3*fy6L=A)
Jo Bryenton and Laura Swales - YDSSG
Teaching Writing to children with Down Syndrome (Passcode = 3*fy6L=A)
Jo Bryenton and Laura Swales - YDSSG
Judith James - resources from differentiating the curriculum workshop